Alliance Research
Alliance Research is a leading STOCK analysis and COMMODITY analysis advisory company that provides expert recommendations for Stock Cash and Stock Futures traded in NSE. It is very popular for its in-depth experience in technical Analysis which is helping it to grow fast. Alliance Research is a well-known name in India regarding share market tips.
ur client Alliance Research deals with a very competitive field Indian stock market. He has come to us to double his business. It was a great challenge for us. However, we made a promotion strategy after deep research. We analyzed their website and fixed on-site issues. After that, we move forward to the off-site promotion that included basic and advanced SEO promotion.
We also have included Social Media Optimization in our promotion and promoted client’s services on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Plus. These SMO platforms helped us to generate leads and increase traffic to the client’s website.
We were targeting 50+ keywords however got success to rank 15+ keywords on the first page within three months.
We also got success to double website traffic in just 3 months.
The best thing is that this traffic is converted into customers.